
Simply Marketing

About Us

Our goal at Marketing Blendz is simple – help our clients grow their businesses.

A Little Bit About Marketing Blendz

Our goal at Marketing Blendz is simple – help our clients grow their businesses. Despite this singular purpose, our approach can be as diverse as the businesses we serve. Though we may walk many different paths, we know that we must always start at the beginning. And for us, that beginning is you, our client. In order to properly market your business, we must first understand it. Once we have a firm grasp of the business and its goals, we help create the responsible Ottawa online marketing strategy that blends exceptional creative content with the appropriate channels – ensuring a successful campaign that meets its objectives.

Filip Bartos

Filip Bartos


I have been working in the Marketing field in one way or another for the last 15+ years and I love what I get to do each day. I get to work with a great team that knows more about what they do than I ever could. I also get to collaborate with great people and companies in all sorts of truly interesting areas of business. Coupled with the fact that the best practices in marketing are ever-changing, it makes for fun days that zoom right by!

I love chatting about anything marketing so if you have any questions, let’s set aside some time for a coffee.

If You Had To Choose Between Using Internet Explorer Forever, Or Permanently Using An Aol E-mail Address, Which One Would It Be?
I would use my AOL email address – no question in my mind at all. I would wear that address as a badge of honour; shouting to the world that I have been using email since the Wild West days of the Internet.

Who Would Play You In A Movie Of Your Life?
I would request that it would be Bradley Cooper but due to scheduling conflicts, we would settle on Jack Black.

When You Were Little, What Did You Want To Be?
I always wanted to be a marine biologist. I was sure that I would get to play around the beach and water all day without a care in the world. It was a sad day indeed when I realized that there was quite a bit of work and knowledge of the sciences involved in the actual job description.

Sarah Christensen

Project Manager

I started out as a graphic designer and over the years turned into a project manager. I’ve been in the industry for over 10 years, and through all of those years, I’ve turned into an alignment/whitespace monster when proofing designs. The designers either love it or hate it but I will point out the 2px they’re off!

I have a thing for baking, cats and gaming. In my spare time, I’m either baking treats for the team to taste test, collecting cats or playing games on my Xbox.

If You Were Forced To Open A Bakery, What Would You Name It?
Sara Lee’s – When growing up I’d get jokes on how my mom should have named me Sarah Lee instead of Sarah Ann. Especially with my fondness for baking!

What Is Your Favourite Disney Movie:
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves – I had a thing for Dopey as a kid and went through a phase where I needed everything Dopey related (school supplies, pyjamas, bed sheets etc.)

sarah Christensen